Mathematics Curriculum
As every number counts, so does every child
Our mathematics curriculum is based on the UK National Curriculum, with a strong emphasis on arithmetic and reasoning skills. Our pupils are provided with open-ended investigative opportunities to deepen their understanding of each unit. To ensure a comprehensive learning experience, we follow the Whiterose Maths scheme throughout the school.
The RPS Approach to Mathematics
We employ the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) to mathematics, using physical objects, such as blocks, counters, or other tangible items, that help children visualise mathematical concepts and explore ideas in a hands-on manner. We also adopt a mastery approach that focuses on deepening children's understanding of mathematical concepts. Deliberate practice sessions and targeted interventions ensure that any gaps in learning are frequently revisited, allowing all groups of children to make progress.
Results and Achievements in Mathematics
Our internal assessments show that 95% of the children made Expected or above progress in Phase 2.
97% of our FS children met their Early Learning Goals by the end of phase 1.
Our external assessments show that 87% of the children attained age related expectations in the PTMs.